Gnome Brawler 5
Jeryn Jepip Draco Bumpknuckle Orfiz is a young Gnome from a family of skilled Clothiers. Born and raised in Three Pines Ford, Lastwall, he recently found himself under temporary banishment after one too many bar fights caused a few too many golds worth of damage and his clan sent him away to “find himself”. He’s been adventuring ever since.
Jeryn has a tendency to be taciturn, often preferring to listen until he has something worthwhile to say. A worshiper of Kurgess he has a competitive streak, believes in fair-play, and will not abide a cheater. He collects marbles — loves to challenge people to play — and is obsessed with Dragons and their lore. A wiry and mobile fighter often underestimated because of his size, he likes to use those misconceptions against his opponents.
Played by Orange