City of Destiny Post-Season Recap
In which our heroes discuss what just happened…
// by USPadmin
In which our heroes discuss what just happened…
// by USPadmin
In which our heroes make a difficult choice…
// by USPadmin
In which our heroes find the darker tone…
// by USPadmin
In which our heroes prepare for the mind crime…
// by USPadmin
In which our heroes bring a body back to their friends…
// by USPadmin
In which our heroes return from their field trip without their new friend…
// by USPadmin
The Lost Library was a limited series game played using Green Ronin’s Mutants & Masterminds, 3rd Edition, and was presented as a part of our 2022 Limited Series season.
To learn more about Mutants & Masterminds, head here.
Pick up your own copy of Mutants & Masterminds using our DrivethruRPG affiliate link!
// by USPadmin
The Lost Library was a limited series game played using Green Ronin’s Mutants & Masterminds, 3rd Edition, and was presented as a part of our 2022 Limited Series season.
To learn more about Mutants & Masterminds, head here.
Pick up your own copy of Mutants & Masterminds using our DrivethruRPG affiliate link!
// by USPadmin
// by USPadmin
Hey guys! We’re happy to announce the upcoming Untold Stories Project Patreon Page! It’ll be launching on October 1st, and we’re super excited about it.
Because we’re poor. Ok, that’s not the real truth, but what is the truth is that running a streaming network costs money, and one of the things that is keeping us from being able to upgrade equipment, bring in more guests, get more custom artwork, etc. is a lack of funds. We make some money from our Twitch streams and our merchandise store, but we think that there are those of you out there who would be happy to support us financially and this seemed like the best way to do it.
Quite a lot, hopefully! We’re planning to offer a lot of Patreon-exclusive content, starting with access to a Patreon-only channel on our Discord, character sheets for original characters from our games, the ability to add NPCs to our games, free and reduced merchandise, private AMAs with our cast and crew, and invitations to games with the USP crew.
Our Patreon page will officially be available starting on October 1, 2022. At launch, Patreon supporters will have access to a preview of our upcoming October Limited Series games. Within a few days, those who are supporting at the Sidekick or Higher Tier will have access to the character sheets for the PCs of those Spoktober Limited Series games (with the exception of our Call of Cthulhu game, which is a pre-published module with its own pre-generated characters).
That said, if you follow the link below, you can access the Patreon page today.
The Untold Stories Project Patreon page is located at